Sin and Punishment

From the outskirts of Paris, Jacques the peasant departs to discover the true story behind the death of his daughter, Eliette. Swearing revenge, he leaves behind the whereabouts of his sister-in-law, Geneviève, who was responsible for Eliette’s transfer to the French capital. Left to drink alcohol, Jacques engages in a crime that triggers a terrible crisis of consciousness. An accident ends up taking him to the mansion of the Marquis R. who, days later, receives an unforgettable visit by Allan Kardec and his wife, Amélie Boudet. The reading of the Spiritist codification will motivate true transformation in the peasant’s life. But it’s at the Conciergerie, on the banks of the Seine River, where Jacques achieves at last what he was seeking.

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We are so young

Great commotion always accompanies the passing away of young people. Nonetheless, the accounts brought by spirits charged with explaining the continuity of existence on the

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know more about Umberto Fabbri

Umberto Fabbri is an educator, writer and specialist in Communication Techniques. He has published over 80 books, many of them translated into English and Spanish, and has delivered over 5000 lectures at conferences, seminars and at various institutions in Brazil and abroad.