I, Immigrant

I, Immigrant explore the pains, experiences, successes, and failures of those who braved uncertainty, to create a better life, on other shores. Some of the stories presented are based on actual events, but the details are altered to preserve the character’s identities. Our purpose is to craft stories that inspire positive reflections about our values, and how we face our lives, and relate to other people so that we can “immigrate” to the most dangerous and barren dimension we are aware of, our innermost self.

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We are so young

Great commotion always accompanies the passing away of young people. Nonetheless, the accounts brought by spirits charged with explaining the continuity of existence on the

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know more about Umberto Fabbri

Umberto Fabbri is an educator, writer and specialist in Communication Techniques. He has published over 80 books, many of them translated into English and Spanish, and has delivered over 5000 lectures at conferences, seminars and at various institutions in Brazil and abroad.