The Dealer

A Romance expounding on the very sad reality brought by the world of illegal drugs. The Dealer is a Novel that will not go unnoticed once in the hands of a younger or older reader as well as a dependent or non-dependent person. The narrative exposes without disguising the huge network of the narcotraffickers, the luring of so many people to its bottomless pit, and the challenging and overwhelming reality they will have to face. Why is it so hard to stop using drugs? How can the spirits exert their influence on a living person’s consuming or refraining from addiction? Answers to this and many other questions are portrayed in this incredible drama of a naive country boy who leaves his family and everything is known to him, to go study in a big city, where he is faced with unimaginable circumstances that could alter the outcome of his life and destiny.

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We are so young

Great commotion always accompanies the passing away of young people. Nonetheless, the accounts brought by spirits charged with explaining the continuity of existence on the

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know more about Umberto Fabbri

Umberto Fabbri is an educator, writer and specialist in Communication Techniques. He has published over 80 books, many of them translated into English and Spanish, and has delivered over 5000 lectures at conferences, seminars and at various institutions in Brazil and abroad.